
Apr 7, 2017 08:49
Yesterday, I was feeling nauseous all day since I woke up in the morning.

Although I felt like hell, a convivial gathering between teachers and freshmen was planned, so I managed to go to my university.

However, the symptom gradually worsened, and I vomited all things that I ate and drank.

Even when I was sitting or lying down, it was very painful.

With great disappointment, I decided to give up to participate in the party and go home quietly because I was afraid to transfer my disease or virus to someone.

In this day, I couldn't post my entry on Lang-8.

Fortunately, as a result of not eating anything a day, I am feeling better now.







No. 1 Antwn's correction
  • Yesterday, I was feeling nauseous all day since I woke up in the morning.
  • Yesterday, I was feeling nauseous since I woke up in the morning.
  • Although I felt like hell, a convivial gathering between teachers and freshmen was planned, so I managed to go to my university.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, the symptom gradually worsened, and I vomited all things that I ate and drank.
  • However, the symptoms gradually worsened, and I vomited everything I ate and drank.
  • Even when I was sitting or lying down, it was very painful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • With great disappointment, I decided to give up to participate in the party and go home quietly because I was afraid to transfer my disease or virus to someone.
  • With great disappointment, I decided to not to participate in the party and go home quietly because I was afraid of transmitting/giving my disease to someone.
  • In this day, I couldn't post my entry on Lang-8.
  • I couldn't post my entry on Lang-8 that day.
  • Fortunately, as a result of not eating anything a day, I am feeling better now.
  • Fortunately, as a result of not eating anything all day, I am feeling better now.
Glad you're feeling better. Sounds like it was awful.
Thank you so much for the corrections and your comment! (^^)